Adventures in Collecting Arkansas Minerals

Arkansas Quartz Crystal Radio Oscillators for F...
photo: A closeup view of a "diamond window" extra facet on an Arkansas quartz crystal point from Montgomery County. This is basically an extra facet caused by twinning defects in the...
Arkansas Quartz Crystal Radio Oscillators for F...
photo: A closeup view of a "diamond window" extra facet on an Arkansas quartz crystal point from Montgomery County. This is basically an extra facet caused by twinning defects in the...

Montgomery County Optical Quartz Prospect (2018...
Ultra fine Optical Tabby Quartz Crystal Pointfrom a very special zone,Montgomery County, Arkansas2019 find. This area, prospected in 2018-2020, hosted extremely fine optical crystals with superb luster (equivalent to mcearl ridge),...
Montgomery County Optical Quartz Prospect (2018...
Ultra fine Optical Tabby Quartz Crystal Pointfrom a very special zone,Montgomery County, Arkansas2019 find. This area, prospected in 2018-2020, hosted extremely fine optical crystals with superb luster (equivalent to mcearl ridge),...

Petrified Wood - Montgomery County Arkansas
Here is a unique specimen of old stock Petrified Wood, from Montgomery County, Arkansas.This particular one was found by Ray Mcgrew several decades ago. Ray is an old timer in...
Petrified Wood - Montgomery County Arkansas
Here is a unique specimen of old stock Petrified Wood, from Montgomery County, Arkansas.This particular one was found by Ray Mcgrew several decades ago. Ray is an old timer in...

Extremely Rare Arkansas Amethyst, from Saline C...
Extremely Rare Arkansas Amethyst Saline County, Arkansas USA. Amethyst can be found quite often in many parts of the world, but in Arkansas it is extremely Rare. This particular cluster was hand dug...
Extremely Rare Arkansas Amethyst, from Saline C...
Extremely Rare Arkansas Amethyst Saline County, Arkansas USA. Amethyst can be found quite often in many parts of the world, but in Arkansas it is extremely Rare. This particular cluster was hand dug...

Micro Solution Quartz, from the famous (and lon...
Micro Solution Quartz Crystal Points,from the famous (and long closed) Jeffrey Quarry in North Little Rock, Arkansas.These beautiful and extremely fine solution quartz crystal points are paired with microscopic and...
Micro Solution Quartz, from the famous (and lon...
Micro Solution Quartz Crystal Points,from the famous (and long closed) Jeffrey Quarry in North Little Rock, Arkansas.These beautiful and extremely fine solution quartz crystal points are paired with microscopic and...

SiO2 pseudomorphs after Wavellite from Arkansas
SiO2 pseudomorphs after WavelliteMauldin MountainMontgomery County QuarryMontgomery County, Arkansas. ex Henry Delinde collection. These 1.5 inch diameter specimens represent a common "mineral misnomer" specimen type from Montgomery County, Arkansas....
SiO2 pseudomorphs after Wavellite from Arkansas
SiO2 pseudomorphs after WavelliteMauldin MountainMontgomery County QuarryMontgomery County, Arkansas. ex Henry Delinde collection. These 1.5 inch diameter specimens represent a common "mineral misnomer" specimen type from Montgomery County, Arkansas....